
A Sinful Woman

“A woman in that town who had lived a sinful life learned that Jesus was eating at the Pharisee house, so she came there with an alabaster jar of perfume. A she stood behind him, at his feet weeping, she began to wet his feet with her tears. Then she wiped them with her hair, kissed them, and poured perfume on them. Luke 7:37-38

This passage of scripture connects to my heart and how I felt about myself when I first came to Jesus. This scripture is the center of my heart and my relationship with Jesus. A broken woman looking for healing from the savior.  Reading this passage, the phrase “she stood behind him” strikes a chord with me. When you are ashamed of yourself and what you have done you don’t want people to see you, you don’t want to make eye contact. That was exactly how I felt about myself after my abortions and the drug filled life I lead. There have been times since becoming a Christian when I was afraid to look in my savior’s eyes. This woman comes to him as I came to him, on her knees ashamed to look him in the eyes but willing to wipe his feet with her hair.  I can’t imagine wiping someone’s feet with my hair, but I can imagine doing anything for God.   God had to bring me to a place where I was willing to take off my crown and lay it at the feet of Jesus. God opened this woman’s heart to come to Jesus. She realized that he was the only one that could heal her and change her life. She came to him on her knees with her tears. Sometimes we must be broken before we are ready to kneel at the savior’s feet. That is how my story to Christ was. My life was destroyed.  I had nothing left. I was lost, hurting. I cried out and went on bended knees to my savior and he said to me “Your sins are forgiven” Luke 7:48 and “Your faith has healed you: go in peace” Luke 7:50. Are you ready to go to him?